Color Filtering Software for YCbCr Signal

Product Overview

This IP is a color filtering software for YCbCr input format.

By using this IP on the decoded YCbCr data, it is possible to display the vivid images with clear color tones.

In addition, anti-jaggies, text and contour highlighting functions provide the clear and the crisp image quality.


  • In addition to color correction, parameters for contour correction to change the appearance of the video in a desirable way
  • Designed to be light, fast, and low power consumption
  • Optimized standard C code to execute on various processors


Parameters White balance, Contrast, Gamma correction, Unsharp, Dithering
Input Format YCbCr
Output Format YCbCr/RGB

This IP supports both color spaces of YCbCr and YUV.


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